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Why Carpet Feels Crunchy After Cleaning?

Dave Blogger

Carpets are made up of a memory material, which means that when you clean them with water, they have the tendency to feel "crunchy" or "dry" for 24-48 hours. This is not because there is anything wrong with the carpet; It's just the result of using water on this type of carpet.

Carpet is made up of a memory material

The carpet is made up of a memory material. In other words, it remembers how you've walked on it and has the ability to recover from that damage. For example, if you walk on the carpet with hard-soled shoes, this can cause little indentations in your carpet's surface. If you then vacuum these areas without moving them around first (i.e., just going over them again), these indents will remain permanently in your carpet's surface until they're raised back up by walking on them again.

Use a good quality vacuum cleaner

To get the best results when vacuuming, make sure you’re using a vacuum cleaner with a strong suction power (at least 1500 Watt). A good quality brush is also important. To achieve the best result, use a vacuum cleaner with an extra-wide dusting brush to lift more dirt and dust from your carpet.

The filter of vacuum must be clean at all times to ensure that it can effectively filter out small particles that could damage your carpet when sucked into its hose. If you are not sure how often to change or clean these filters, check with your manufacturer for instructions on how often they should be changed/cleaned by Carpet Cleaning Services Melbourne!

A nozzle that directs airflow evenly across every part of the floor is ideal because this ensures every bit of debris gets sucked up quickly and efficiently into its stainless steel blades which then directs it straight down into its bin before being released back outside via an exhaust pipe connected directly underneath it so there isn't any waste produced during operation!

Proper quality water is used

The steam machine should be powerful and equipped with the right tools to get into your carpet's crevices. This will ensure you get rid of all the stubborn stains and dirt particles embedded deep within your carpet fibres.

You should also make sure that you use a good quality water filter system in order to prevent any discolouration or damage caused by hard minerals getting sucked up into your vacuum cleaner’s pipes.

Properly softened water can help prevent scratches on furniture, rugs and floors as well as extend their lifespan by preventing premature wear and tear caused by frequent cleaning procedures such as vacuuming or steam cleaning (which can tear at fibers).

A good cleaning agent is used

You need to use a carpet cleaning agent that effectively removes dirt and grime from your carpets. You can find one at your local grocery store or hardware store. Look for one that is made specifically for the type of carpet you have in your home, such as wool, nylon or synthetic fibres. It should also have an SFPI rating of 3-5, so it can be safely used around children and pets (if they share their home with you).

Be careful when using household products as they may contain harmful chemicals to humans, animals and/or the environment!

Use the right amount of steam pressure

The right amount of steam pressure is key to getting a clean carpet. Too much steam pressure can damage the carpet fibres and backing, making them frizzy and needing repair. Too little steam pressure means that you’re not getting the job done.

You should adjust your steam machine based on what type of carpet you’re cleaning and how dirty it is (or how much soil has built up).


In this article, you’ve learned what causes the carpet to feel crunchy after cleaning, and how to avoid it in the future. Remember the following tips: use a good vacuum cleaner, add just enough water to your cleaning solution, and don’t use too much steam pressure.


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