Floor Polishing Melbourne is a process that involves the use of a machine that applies polish to the floor. It can be done manually or semi-automatically, depending on whether you want to do it yourself or hire someone else to do it. The main objective of polishing is to give your floor a nice finish and remove any scratches, dents and other defects on its surface.
Poor Quality Polish
Poor quality polish can be the result of using cheap polish. It can also be caused by not using the correct polish for the floor or by applying too much polish.
When you don't use enough product on your floor, it may not work as well as it should. If you use too much of the wrong kind of material and apply it all at once, then your floor won't get clean enough and could end up damaged in some spots (especially if there is an oil-based liquid).
When choosing your next Floor Polishing Melbourne product, make sure that you are getting something that has been designed specifically for this purpose--not a household cleaner!
Poor Method of Application
Let's start with the most obvious reason: you're not using the right products.
There are two main types of floor polishing products, and they need to be used differently.

If you use a wax-based product on a floor that has been sealed with a sealer, it will bond with the sealer and leave white spots on your floor.
This is because waxes are meant to penetrate into wood fibres and bring out their natural shine (that's why they're called "waxes"). Seals prevent this from happening by sealing off the wood pores so nothing can get in or out.
So if you use an oil-based polish over top of a sealer, it may look pretty shiny at first—but over time, all that oil will build up into an opaque film on top of your finished floor instead of giving it its natural sheen.
You also want to make sure that whatever method you decide on—liquid or paste—that it has penetrating properties so it can actually clean up grout lines between tiles or stones!
Not Enough Experience
The best way to learn anything is by doing. If you want to know how to polish your floor, then you should go ahead and polish your floor! But if you don't feel comfortable with the process yet, then it's okay not to jump right in. There are plenty of other ways that you can learn about Floor Polishing Melbourne as well: Hiring pros or reading articles on the topic (like this one!). You can also ask someone who already knows how this works for help or advice—that person will be happy to share what they know with you!
So now you know how to avoid these three common mistakes that we have seen in our office. By keeping these things in mind, we hope that you will be able to keep your floors looking great for years to come!