Shopify 2.0 is a huge upgrade from previous versions. It has tons of new features that are going to make it easier to run your store and compete with other e-commerce platforms. upgrading is always beneficial for business, consult experienced Shopify Experts India to get the things done right. If you still haven’t upgraded, here are four reasons why you need to do so right away:
Your Store Will Be More Secure.
Shopify 1. x had a security token that was easy to guess and crack. This is one of the main reasons why hackers were able to gain access to stores, especially those that had weak passwords or reused passwords from other websites.
Shopify 2.0 has a new security token that’s harder for hackers to crack, and it also prevents them from accessing your site even if they know your old password.
In addition, you can now register for two-factor authentication (2FA) which gives you an extra layer of protection by requiring an additional confirmation code before logging in or making any changes on your Shopify admin account.
Lastly, there's now a feature called Password Recovery which lets you reset your own password if you forget it!
You Can Sell On The Go On Any Device.
The new mobile app gives you an easy way to manage your store and check sales no matter where you are. You can also add products, view orders and more from your phone. The new desktop app makes it simple for customers to browse your product catalog and make purchases without having to download anything new. The POS app lets you accept payments from anywhere - all that’s required is a smartphone with internet access and a credit card reader (you can order one here). With the in-store app, employees can run reports on sales by location or time period so they know exactly how their business is doing at any given moment! With web apps for both merchants and shoppers alike, Shopify 2 has made the platform more accessible than ever before!
You Can Offer Your Customers a Wider Range of Payment Options.
Shopify 2.0 allows you to accept all major credit cards. With this feature, you'll be able to add more payment methods without having to worry about the security of your store or the processing fees that come with each option.
You can also accept Apple Pay and PayPal, two popular online payment platforms used by many online shoppers today.
And if you want to take your e-commerce business one step further, consider adding Bitcoin as an additional payment method for your customers—it's convenient for everyone involved!
You Can Now Easily Switch Between Multiple Stores.
With Shopify 2.0, you can switch between multiple stores without having to go through the hassle of signing up for new merchant accounts (which can be a very time-consuming process). You can also use this feature to manage multiple eCommerce brands from one account and access them from any device with internet access. For example, if you own two clothing brands with different target audiences but share similar aesthetics and branding styles, then it makes sense for them to be under the same brand umbrella instead of separating them into individual entities on separate websites.
It’s Easier Than Ever to Customize Your Store’s Design.
Shopify 2.0 brings with it an incredible array of customization options. You can now add your own logo, images and videos to the store’s home page, as well as new HTML content that can be added to any template. These additions make it easier than ever for you to make your online store look exactly how you want it to look!
Shopify 2.0 is a powerful new tool that can help you grow your business. You can make changes to your store quickly and easily, so it’s perfect if you have limited time available or don’t know much about web design. if you are not comfortable doing things by own then hire Shopify Developer India, It also provides more security for your customers, which means their data will be safer from hackers and other threats.