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Exploring Your Options For NDIS Housing Solutions

Dave Blogger

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a great thing for people with disabilities. It can provide them with the support they need to make choices that improve their quality of life and help them reach their full potential. But what if you're not ready to buy your own place yet? Or maybe you're moving into new housing after joining the NDIS housing in Melbourne? The good news is that there are many options available to you when it comes to finding new housing.

Self-managed housing

Self-managed housing is a great option for people with disability who want to live independently and be in control of their housing situation.

You will need to have a spare bedroom that can be used as your bedroom, as well as a spare bathroom or toilet. Your NDIS provider will then provide you with support through the day and night so that you can get on with living your life without having to worry about things like cleaning up after yourself or doing the laundry. You may also be able to use part of your funding towards getting new furniture for your house if needed!

How does the NDIS work for housing?

The NDIS is a funding model for disability services. It's a national scheme, but it works slightly differently in each state and territory.

The NDIS covers two main areas:

  • Provision of support services (also known as "goods and services")

  • Funding for supports such as equipment, aids or appliances (known as "funding packages").

What are my options to get new housing when joining the NDIS?

The NDIS is a new way of providing support to people with disability. One of the benefits of this program is that you can choose how you want to live, whether it's in your own home or in supported accommodation. The NDIS has a range of options available that can help you make these choices, including self-managed housing and supported accommodation.

Self-managed housing gives people with disability the opportunity to live independently in their own home by providing them with financial assistance for things like rent or mortgage payments, maintenance costs and household items like furniture and appliances (excluding whitegoods). In return for receiving this money from us as part of our funding agreement with your State/Territory government, we expect that:

  • You will continue living at that address until we tell you otherwise;

  • We will pay any rent arrears owed on behalf of your tenancy agreement;

The NDIS can provide a lot of flexibility when it comes to housing options

The NDIS can provide a lot of flexibility when it comes to housing options.

You may be able to use the NDIS to pay for housing, or help with the cost of renting or buying. You can also get extra assistance through an individualised support plan if you need help with daily tasks like cooking or cleaning, managing finances and budgeting, getting around town or looking after pets or animals.

The NDIS will cover some costs relating to establishing a tenancy, including renting and bond; it can also help with the cost of furniture and whitegoods if needed. If you’re planning on moving into a new home but need some assistance in doing so, speak to your NDIS planner about how they can help.


The NDIS housing Melbourne is a great way to get the support you need to live independently. It can provide a lot of flexibility when it comes to housing options and there are many organisations that can help you find new accommodation if needed.


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