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5 Things To Keep In Mind When Picking Snooker Ball Set

Dave Blogger

Snooker ball set are pretty common, but they come in many different shapes and sizes. If you're new to the game or just looking for a new set, it can be difficult to know what to look for!

That's why we want to share some tips and tricks on how to find a snooker ball set that works for you. Here are our top five considerations:


When it comes to snooker balls, the material can make a big difference in how well they play. There are three main types of materials used: plastic, composite, and ivory.

Plastic is the most common material for modern snooker ball sets. It’s durable enough to withstand wear and tear during gameplay without breaking down over time. The downside is that plastic balls tend to feel hard when playing with them compared to other materials like composite or ivory.

Composite balls are a mixture of rubber and plastics that give them better bounce than plain plastic models but don’t last as long as ivory ones do. This type of material might be worth considering if you want something cheaper than ivory but still have decent performance standards

Cue Balls

When you're playing snooker, the cue ball is the most important ball. It's white, but that doesn't mean it's just any old ball. Cue balls must be made of a material that is dense enough to not be moved by the cue stick, and they must be perfectly round so that they can roll smoothly across the table.

You should also consider how many cue balls you need in your set: some sets come with two or three, while others have five or six (or even more!).

You may want to choose a set with fewer if you're planning on playing in small spaces like bars or restaurants where there isn't much room to move around—but if you have a larger space available then it might make sense to opt for one of those with more than four balls so that each player has his own supply at all times during gameplay


  • Round balls are more accurate and easier to play with, but they're also more sensitive to damage.

  • Oval balls are harder to play with, but they're durable and very accurate.

  • Square-shaped snooker balls are the hardest to use because of their shape. However, they're also the most durable of all shapes.

  • Triangular shaped snooker balls are easy to use in general, but they tend not to be as precise or long-lasting as other types of pool balls.


The size of the ball should be appropriate for the table. If you have a small table, it is not going to be comfortable to play with a large-sized snooker ball set. You will not have enough space to make shots comfortably, and you can even knock other balls out of their pockets when making shots.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the size of the ball should also be appropriate for your own personal needs as well. If you are taller than average, then larger sized balls would probably be more comfortable for you than smaller ones because they will sit higher up on your cue shafts and give you more control over where they go.

That being said though, if those larger sized balls are too big then it might actually make things more difficult when trying to line them up accurately on smaller pockets or angles because there would just be too much weight behind them; these types of issues could throw off your game completely!

Lastly we want our games played with only one type: Pool Snooker Billiard Cue Ball Set which offers both skill level variations at its finest levels within its brand name's history."


Price is a major consideration when buying a snooker ball set, and the price of a set is not the only thing that matters but it is important.

It’s important to consider how much you have to spend on your new set, as well as how much different sets cost.


While you may be familiar with snooker, it may be a new game for many others. It’s important to keep in mind that there are many different types of cues and balls available on the market today. We hope this guide has helped you make an informed decision when picking out your next snooker ball set!


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