Hi there! Are you looking for a bedside table? Well, I've got the best recommendation for you. A messmate bedside table is a must-have furniture that can help you organise your bedroom's little things.
Some people like to use it as a nightstand, while others use it to put their alarm clock or phone. So, if you're interested in learning more about this product and why I recommend it so strongly, keep reading!
Sustainable source of timber
Not only does messmate grow, but it also thrives there—in fact, messmate trees are one of only two species native that are used commercially for timber!
This means that the amount of messmate required to produce your bedside table is much less than other types of wood would require.
The result? You can rest assured that producing your bedside table has been minimally harmful to its environment!
Messmate is a hardwood that is beautiful and durable. It has a deep, rich colour that looks great as an accent or as the main feature of your table.

The heartwood
Heartwood is the centre of a tree, which means that it's been growing for a lot longer than its outer layers. This gives it a more unique flavour and texture, so you know you're getting something special.
As with any timber, messmate comes in varying qualities. The best quality messmate will have a tight grain structure and will be free from knots or splits. The colour of your timber depends on where it was grown - there are four main varieties of messmate in
Messmate is one of the most popular timbers used in furniture making because it's easy to work with and has such an aesthetically pleasing appearance - smooth silky finishes perfect for polishing or oiling!
Messmate grain patterns
The most distinguishing feature of a messmate bedside table is the grain pattern, which is unique to the wood. Messmate has a closely spaced grain and is a hardwood with a dense structure, making it ideal for furniture-making. It’s also slow growing, so there are fewer trees available to harvest in comparison to other woods like oak or pine.
Messmate is a beautiful hardwood, but it’s also one of the most difficult to work with. It's quite dense and has a strong tendency to warp or split during cutting and machining. This means that only experienced craftsmen are able to produce high-quality furniture from messmate wood.
Messmate furniture is ideal for those who want a piece of natural beauty that will last a lifetime. It’s also perfect for people who have allergies or sensitivities to other types of wood like pine, oak or teak.
Messmate is a beautiful hardwood, but it’s also one of the most difficult to work with. It's quite dense and has a strong tendency to warp or split during cutting and machining.
This means that only experienced craftsmen are able to produce high-quality furniture from messmate wood. Messmate furniture is ideal for those who want a piece of natural beauty that will last a lifetime.
If you’re looking for a unique messmate bedside table and want to be sure that it’s not just beautiful but also sustainable, consider the messmate bedside table. It will fit into any home and be a timeless piece that you can enjoy for years to come.
Source - http://bit.ly/3ADZvUl