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  • Writer's pictureAtit Dave

Decking Myths You Need To Be Aware Of

Decking Melbourne has become one of the most aesthetically pleasing elements of the homes outdoor space. Today many people are opting for decks to enhance the functionality of the outdoor spaces for friends and family. That said, there are misconceptions too that would not allow you to take most benefit of the Decking.

Here are the myths regarding Decks Melbourne that you need to stay clear of as they are nowhere near to being true.

Wood Decks Have Splinters

Wood expands and contracts to depend on the humidity. This cycle is natural and can also occur when a wooden deck gets wet in the rain and then dries when exposed to the sun. This repeated expansion and contraction can lead to crushing over time.

Regularly applied sealers to the deck significantly reduce this cycle and prevent cracking and tearing. The seal acts as a barrier, reducing the water absorption of the wood and limiting its expansion and contraction.

Composite Decking Appearance Looks Like Cheap Plastic.

This rating may have been accurate decades ago, as the first batch of composite decks lacked a variety of colors and textures. But his industry has evolved tremendously over the years. Manufacturers have developed many options to mimic the look of traditional wooden decks. The Composite Deck is available in a variety of colors, grain, textures, and finishes that recreate the look of a sophisticated wooden deck. Not only does it look better, but the outer cover protects it from fading and warping, so it lasts longer.

Wood Needs Too Much Maintenance.

Naturally perishable wood requires less maintenance than you might think. Of course, sometimes you need to clean the surface and between the boards and thoroughly clean the wooden deck if necessary, but that's it.

You can also add finishes to improve the look of your deck. However, with minimal maintenance options, the deck can be naturally weathered and become richer silver over time.

Installing Composite Decks Is Difficult.

It may have been difficult to install when the composite deck was first introduced, but it is now as easy as installing a traditional wooden deck. The latest compound decks have evolved the clip system so that as long as you are familiar with deck assembly, you can turn your deck into a DIY project. However, if you're planning a more complex custom deck, it's best to seek professional help. Keep in mind that to enjoy long-term benefits, the deck must be installed correctly to prevent sagging, warping, and cracking.

Composite Decking Requires A Lot Of Maintenance

That's what people think about it, but it's not true. It's easy to see why people with only wood deck experience think that any type of deck needs maintenance, but that's the difference between a composite deck and a wood deck.

Natural wood Decks Melbourne require a lot of work if you want to maintain their texture and color. Without stains and sealant treatment, wooden boards can become flooded, begin to fade, and eventually crack and debris. To keep the wood deck in top condition, it needs to be sanded, dyed, and sealed each year.

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